Monday, September 29, 2014

"Balthasar the Magus" by Marisa Calvi

Kuthumi’s human adventures continue on with his life as Balthasar the Magus – a high priest of the Zoroastrians at the time of Jesus the Nazarene.

The story of Balthasar takes us deep into the heart of the ancient priesthood and their passion to birth paradise on Earth for humanity. Dreams, stargazing and eternal wisdom are brought together to begin a great excitement that this awakening would be soon upon them.

As Balthasar shares with us the opening of a new era of consciousness, he also reveals the joy of living with his soul connection and the gifts it gave to him. This included being chosen as a leader along with Gaspar and Melchior of the grand caravan that made way to welcome the birth of one of the greatest teachers ever known.


“The Balthasar book awoke layers of history, compassion, and memories for me, plus personal experiences in this lifetime.
Pure inspiration for all who allow themselves to read, breathe, and receive.”
Norma Delaney, USA

“Thank you so much for another wonderful Kuthumi story. Each sentence shines with simplicity and grace and clarity and awareness.”
Sharon , USA

“I have been so profoundly moved by this book “Balthasar’ it is as though every cell within my body remembers. The sweet joy and passion that is ignited within me, the knowing that what was begun so long ago is come into fruition. There is so much love and joy for myself, for humanity.”
Libby, Australia



Saturday, September 27, 2014

Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives by Lois Wetzel

Guest Blog Post by Dana Taylor, who can be found at

Dana Review by Dana Taylor
The reason I’ve been posting about Akashic Records Readings is because learning about a past-life tie and the subsequent difficulties that resulted from that connection in my personal life was a major event. It took me over fifty years to put the pieces of my personal puzzle together, as is chronicled in Ever-Flowing Streams. It’s my hope that some people who are also dealing with mysterious phobias or afflictions that are linked to a past life occurence may be able to shorten the learning curve and move on to a better life.
My bouts of swollen glands, anxiety, and insomnia have all dissipated since my initial Reiki treatment in 2005. It took about three years to unravel the layers of connections, but my health and well-being are vastly improved over my previous four decades of life, largely due to understanding my soul’s long journey.
Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives
I recently came across a book by therapist Lois Wetzel entitled Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives. I highly recommend investing $3.99 to read this fascinating compilation of case studies. 
Wetzel does an excellent job of explaining Akashic Records and the value they hold in helping people heal, break negative patterns, and understand puzzling relationships. Some of the stories are hard to grasp because they feel like a tale of science fiction. But, certainly modern living would seem completely unbelievable to people living only a few decades ago.
Written in a straightforward manner, the book gives example after example of past lives and how they affect modern people. Wetzel’s method of downloading particular lives as revealed by the Records Guardians is very interesting and somewhat different from the method I have experienced. Whereas the Record Readers I have visited have answered specific questions, Wetzel’s clients come in with an overall area they want information about. She then opens her mind up to viewing their past lives as if she is watching a movie.
I found myself looking at life with a broader perspective and a new understanding of karmic ties and cycles. If you have an interest in past life therapy, read  Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives by Lois Wetzel.

You can find Lois Wetzel on the web at:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Enclosure: A Spiritual Autobiography" by Barbara Becker

Barbara Becker's is a tale of spiritual awakening which includes a near-fatal car crash, meeting with her Guardian Angel, out-of-body experiences, and a series of sessions with many alternative healing practitioners. The book is well written, and takes us on her path toward remembering and realizing who she is on a far different level than the mundane, where most people operate all the time. At the same time, she manages to work as a medical professional herself.

Barbara carries us through the highs and lows  of life, from her accomplishments as well as what most of humanity would call misfortunes or failures. In her wisdom, she is ever mindful that everything which happens has a reason for happening. We get to see  by watching her navigate  her life path, how to roll with the punches and from the most difficult of experiences, glean something good. There is a lesson in every life event, if we would just be aware that if we look for it, we will find it. Barbara lets us see this through her own life. What a service to humanity that is!

This book won the TISBA Finalist Award in the Inter-dimensional Beings category.