Friday, November 7, 2014

"Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton

Although this book was first written in 1994, it is still as relevant as the day it was written - in fact, many people are just now ready for it. Michael Newton was a practicing hypnotherapist who regressed people to discover, at first by accident and then intentionally, what happened to them between lifetimes. The interesting part is that before he accidentally regressed the first person to a place between lifetimes, he did not even believe in reincarnation! In this book are the stories of 29 different people who were regressed like this.

This book is a compilation of case studies of his clients who were regressed to the place between lifetimes, and Dr. Newton questioned them while they were in spirit form to learn all kinds of amazing things like what happens right after you die, how it feels to die, all about spirit guides, how we choose our bodies before we incarnate again, how we study previous lifetimes to try to figure out what we did right and what we would like to do differently the next time we come to earth, the purpose of life, and how to recognize our soulmates when we get to earth. Yes, we have more than one soulmate. We have entire soul families!

In reading this book one can develop a deeper understanding of the immortal soul and see the importance of the events in everyone's daily lives.

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