Friday, November 7, 2014

The Quantum Case for Reincarnation

From the Supernal Living Blog

The Quantum Case for Reincarnation

Lois J. Wetzel is a mystic and visionary thinker. She is able to communicate with the Guardians of  the Akashic Records and offers clients life-readings to help them in their present lives. Her latest book, Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Records is fascinating. At the end of the book, she added an Addendum that ties in some concepts of quantum physics to reincarnation. I asked Lois’ permission to post it here. This is for those of you who “get” it!

"Reality is too complex to be trapped by a measurement, according to Dr. Deepak Chopra. In my opinion this pervasive yet foolish notion is the trouble with empiricism; the idea that the truth of what is real can be determined by a set of rules created by humans. This misconception keeps us from living in the real world. Empiricism, the currently accepted scientific method, relies almost solely upon measurement. But reality is just not that simple—as Chopra has said. Human beings are in no position to dictate what features “reality” must have. Reality is whatever it is. Our notion of how to determine what is real and true—that is what must change. It must change in order to embrace what reality is, not what we think it should be.     
Amazon Link

We now know due to advances in quantum physics and mechanics over the last century that our physical universe is far more complicated than was previously believed. These advances convince many that we humans are on the edge of proving that each of us has a consciousness which transcends physical form. Or perhaps we are about to discover there is a supreme consciousness which transcends and underlies all reality, and we are part of that consciousness. Once that is firmly established and understood by a critical mass of us everything will change. A piece of that change will be that it will be finally clear to even the greatest skeptics that past lives are clearly likely within the infinite field of possibilities in which we exist.     
Indeed, the odds are great that the proof of most of what we refer to as psychic phenomena flows from that conclusion about transcendent consciousness.      I have long held that consciousness is all there is. Consciousness creates everything out of the infinite waves of probability floating somewhere in the unmanifest field.    
I first learned about the famous “double-slit experiment” back in the 1980s–the experimenters’ conclusion was that light could behave as either a particle or a wave. Which light “decided” to be was completely dependent upon its being measured. Until it was measured or observed, it was neither a particle nor a wave, just a possibility. This decision light was making was referred to as the “observer effect.” Back then the scientific measurement was considered the important event or deciding factor.     
I am relieved to report that in the ensuing thirty years more experiments have been done. It is now known that not only light, but electrons behave the same way in this experiment. Electrons are bits of matter. With further experimentation it has been found that molecules and atoms behave like waves of probability as well. This means that particles of matter do not decide when, where and how they are going to show up in the physical world until they also are observed. They do not exist as anything but a probability until a consciousness interacts with them.     
Observation being so important, perhaps it needs to be defined. Observation and measurement are the same thing.  Measurement requires some kind of measuring device or tool. One very important distinction about the measuring device is that it includes the physicality of the human being doing the observing. The eyes, the retina on which images are registered, the optic nerve which carries that image to the brain, the physical and chemical components of the brain—all these are as much bits of the measuring instrument as any metal, glass, plastic or wooden objects that might be used for measuring purposes.     
If the brain is simply an instrument, then who or what is doing the observing? It must be something outside or apart from the brain. Clearly, it has to be the consciousness since that is all that is left. In other words, when observation is broken down to its core component all that is left is consciousness—or awareness. In the end, all there is left to do the observing, and hence the creating of reality, is consciousness.      Studies have shown that something interesting happens when we decide to take an action like picking up a writing tool, for example. The hand moves in the direction of the tool a fraction of a second before the changes in the brain which signal that a decision has been made have occurred. Yes, the hand moves before the brain thinks about picking up the tool. Clearly the hand, and doubtless other parts of the body, can receive signals from consciousness as well or better than the brain.      The brain is therefore not where the decision is made. The brain is merely a receiver. The mind, or consciousness, is where the decision is made. Quantum physicist Nassim Haramein has said that looking for consciousness inside the brain is like looking for the announcer inside the radio.     
To further support the existence of a separate consciousness it is important to note certain facts.People who have died and been revived almost always report either standing outside of or floating above their own bodies. They can recount accurately what others at the scene were doing or saying after they died. To test this, certain hospitals even place written notes atop upper cabinets in operating rooms so that someone floating on the ceiling can read these notes and report back what was written there if asked later—assuming they return to life. And yes, some people do return to life and report what was written on top of the cabinets.   Consider that the people’s brains were still inside their bodies during the time they were outside those same bodies observing themselves and their surroundings. Their consciousness was not, though. Their sense of themselves, the part that observes—the part that sees and hears–was outside the body. It therefore seems clear we are not our bodies, nor our brains. What we are is a deathless consciousness which can leave and re-enter our bodies and still be conscious of what was going on as though the body were not necessary.
It follows logically that this consciousness can enter a new body prior to the time of its birth, and leave again at death. So why could we not do that more than once? Why should we assume that this awareness of ourselves cannot or would not enter a new body several times over a long span of time if the conditions were agreeable? Why would we settle for only one lifetime? There is a mounting body of evidence supporting the belief that most of the people on the planet have held for countless thousands of generations. We reincarnate."
~ Dana Taylor

"Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton

Although this book was first written in 1994, it is still as relevant as the day it was written - in fact, many people are just now ready for it. Michael Newton was a practicing hypnotherapist who regressed people to discover, at first by accident and then intentionally, what happened to them between lifetimes. The interesting part is that before he accidentally regressed the first person to a place between lifetimes, he did not even believe in reincarnation! In this book are the stories of 29 different people who were regressed like this.

This book is a compilation of case studies of his clients who were regressed to the place between lifetimes, and Dr. Newton questioned them while they were in spirit form to learn all kinds of amazing things like what happens right after you die, how it feels to die, all about spirit guides, how we choose our bodies before we incarnate again, how we study previous lifetimes to try to figure out what we did right and what we would like to do differently the next time we come to earth, the purpose of life, and how to recognize our soulmates when we get to earth. Yes, we have more than one soulmate. We have entire soul families!

In reading this book one can develop a deeper understanding of the immortal soul and see the importance of the events in everyone's daily lives.

"How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs" by Greg Kuhn

Author Greg Kuhn would doubtless be surprised to learn that this book is being included as a "spiritual not religious" book, but it clearly qualifies as "where science and spirit meet." 

                                                                                                                                                                      EXCITING CONCEPTS 

Author Greg Kuhn's books are marvelous because he is a sincere and genuine, highly-effective teacher. He works hard to make extremely complex topics - like quantum physics - easy to understand. This is far more difficult that one might think. The mark of a truly great teacher is to make complicated, difficult topics easy to understand.

Especially exciting in this fascinating book is how Mr. Kuhn explains the difference between the "brain" and "mind." Mind is where the Consciousness resides--consciousness is not inside the brain or even inside the head. This is one of the most important concepts out for most people to grasp right now.  In fact, it is crucial to our survival as a species. The sooner ta critical mass of us "get" this concept, the faster our world is going to transform from what is presumed to be a doomed, warring planet to a heaven on earth. Mr. Kuhn explains this deep concept of consciousness with a delightfully simple clarity.

From an understanding of this concept flows all else of importance to us. We are the Creators of our reality as we "collapse the wave" of quantum potentiality with our observations--for good or ill. (Focus on what you want, not on what you don't want.) How do our beliefs and expectations sabotage this process so that we manifest what we do not consciously desire? And how do we change our beliefs and desires? Read this book to find out. Read it also to learn how to retrain your own subconscious to align itself with your conscious desires and dreams, so that you can manifest whatever it is that you have always wanted from life, and then some!

Monday, September 29, 2014

"Balthasar the Magus" by Marisa Calvi

Kuthumi’s human adventures continue on with his life as Balthasar the Magus – a high priest of the Zoroastrians at the time of Jesus the Nazarene.

The story of Balthasar takes us deep into the heart of the ancient priesthood and their passion to birth paradise on Earth for humanity. Dreams, stargazing and eternal wisdom are brought together to begin a great excitement that this awakening would be soon upon them.

As Balthasar shares with us the opening of a new era of consciousness, he also reveals the joy of living with his soul connection and the gifts it gave to him. This included being chosen as a leader along with Gaspar and Melchior of the grand caravan that made way to welcome the birth of one of the greatest teachers ever known.


“The Balthasar book awoke layers of history, compassion, and memories for me, plus personal experiences in this lifetime.
Pure inspiration for all who allow themselves to read, breathe, and receive.”
Norma Delaney, USA

“Thank you so much for another wonderful Kuthumi story. Each sentence shines with simplicity and grace and clarity and awareness.”
Sharon , USA

“I have been so profoundly moved by this book “Balthasar’ it is as though every cell within my body remembers. The sweet joy and passion that is ignited within me, the knowing that what was begun so long ago is come into fruition. There is so much love and joy for myself, for humanity.”
Libby, Australia



Saturday, September 27, 2014

Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives by Lois Wetzel

Guest Blog Post by Dana Taylor, who can be found at

Dana Review by Dana Taylor
The reason I’ve been posting about Akashic Records Readings is because learning about a past-life tie and the subsequent difficulties that resulted from that connection in my personal life was a major event. It took me over fifty years to put the pieces of my personal puzzle together, as is chronicled in Ever-Flowing Streams. It’s my hope that some people who are also dealing with mysterious phobias or afflictions that are linked to a past life occurence may be able to shorten the learning curve and move on to a better life.
My bouts of swollen glands, anxiety, and insomnia have all dissipated since my initial Reiki treatment in 2005. It took about three years to unravel the layers of connections, but my health and well-being are vastly improved over my previous four decades of life, largely due to understanding my soul’s long journey.
Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives
I recently came across a book by therapist Lois Wetzel entitled Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives. I highly recommend investing $3.99 to read this fascinating compilation of case studies. 
Wetzel does an excellent job of explaining Akashic Records and the value they hold in helping people heal, break negative patterns, and understand puzzling relationships. Some of the stories are hard to grasp because they feel like a tale of science fiction. But, certainly modern living would seem completely unbelievable to people living only a few decades ago.
Written in a straightforward manner, the book gives example after example of past lives and how they affect modern people. Wetzel’s method of downloading particular lives as revealed by the Records Guardians is very interesting and somewhat different from the method I have experienced. Whereas the Record Readers I have visited have answered specific questions, Wetzel’s clients come in with an overall area they want information about. She then opens her mind up to viewing their past lives as if she is watching a movie.
I found myself looking at life with a broader perspective and a new understanding of karmic ties and cycles. If you have an interest in past life therapy, read  Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives by Lois Wetzel.

You can find Lois Wetzel on the web at:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Enclosure: A Spiritual Autobiography" by Barbara Becker

Barbara Becker's is a tale of spiritual awakening which includes a near-fatal car crash, meeting with her Guardian Angel, out-of-body experiences, and a series of sessions with many alternative healing practitioners. The book is well written, and takes us on her path toward remembering and realizing who she is on a far different level than the mundane, where most people operate all the time. At the same time, she manages to work as a medical professional herself.

Barbara carries us through the highs and lows  of life, from her accomplishments as well as what most of humanity would call misfortunes or failures. In her wisdom, she is ever mindful that everything which happens has a reason for happening. We get to see  by watching her navigate  her life path, how to roll with the punches and from the most difficult of experiences, glean something good. There is a lesson in every life event, if we would just be aware that if we look for it, we will find it. Barbara lets us see this through her own life. What a service to humanity that is!

This book won the TISBA Finalist Award in the Inter-dimensional Beings category.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

"Making Sense of Life Eternal," by Sharon Butz

This is an absorbing book which is essentially a transcription of many hours of conversation which the author, Sharon Butz, had with the former Civil War Surgeon, Dr. James Martin Peebles. Dr. Peebles was an historical figure, who not only was a naturopath and surgeon, but US Ambassador to Turkey in his later years. He died and ascended at the age of 99.9 years of age.

He has been channeled by various persons over the years, and in the case of the visits Sharon Butz had with him, through the mystic and trance channel, Summer Bacon of Sedona, Arizona. 

Sharon asks Dr. Peebles questions about a wide range of topics from his interest in channeling while alive and part of the spiritualist movement, to astrology. Of astrology Dr. Peebles says that it is a road map, but does not determine all outcomes. Like a map you can follow the road, or you can get off the road and go somewhere offroad. Yet a few things in each lifetime are cast in stone, and harder to change. He also says that if you want to know what your deceased loved one is doing, you can look at the chart as though the death date were a birth date to see what he is up to in the afterlife!

Dr. Peebles warns us not to check our discrimination at the door of the psychic's office, since some are amazing, honest people, and yet others definitely are not. He also reminds us that even what the honest psychic sees can be changed if we do not like the outcome he or she has seen. We can do this by taking appropriate actions to change that outcome. 

How does Dr. Peebles read individuals? He goes into their hearts and learns who they truly are. He also answers questions we are thinking before we ask them, according to the author. In this book he answers questions about a wealth of subjects, including Guides, karma, twin flames, Akashic Records and whether or not people can come back as animals. There is a wealth of information in this book as seen from the viewpoint of a 16th dimensional being who is not in a body any longer. Some of it will challenge a reader's beliefs, some of it will confirm what she /he already knew. 

In any case, it is a wild, fun ride!

TISBA Channeling, Psychics, Mediums Category Judge

"Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light" by Niara Terela Isley

"Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light" is actually more like two books for the price of one. It is written in two sections, and could have actually been two books. It is well over 500 pages long. Yet the author did not divide them, and one can see why at the end of the first part of the book. It would be a shame to stop there; honestly it would.

This is a true story of a female radar operator in the Air Force and what happened to her in the middle of the night, repeatedly, as she was drawn against her will - while on duty - into a terribly shadowy realm which included interactions with more than one variety of extra-terrestrial being. She had the most difficult of her experiences with human beings, black ops personnel who were involved with the alien beings. This is a frightening, true tale of abduction with the all-too-common loss of memory. Long after she was no longer in the military, Ms. Isley realized that she had a gap of several months' time during which she had no memory. It was this realization which led her on her quest to get to the bottom of things.
And get to the bottom she did. Afterward, the trauma was great, and she commenced a long journey of personal healing and transformation of a profound nature. This journey changed the course of her life, deepening her greatly. Her level of understanding of the nature of consciousness itself is impressive, and it is the direct result of her journey of healing from the horror she experienced while in the military.
This is a book not to be missed, if for nothing else, the explanation of why our governments of the world still will not admit that they are in contact with off-world civilizations. But most of all, the reader will benefit from the understanding of how consciousness works, how it affects us and the world, and just how immensely powerful the energy called consciousness is.
TISBA Category Judge - Inter-dimensional Beings

Saturday, August 30, 2014

"Ever-Flowing Streams" by Dana Taylor

This is a book quite unlike any other I have read about energy medicine. It is an important book because it is a bridge between those still trapped in the fearful aspect of Christianity and those involved the world of spiritual healing, or energy medicine. Dana Taylor says many things I have often said to my clients about Jesus and his healing abilities. He clearly said the things he did we could do and greater. We can all tap into that energy stream of healing ability if we are not locked out of it by "Christian trepidation," or fear of things not understood by ourselves, Christian friends, family or pastors.

Ms. Taylor came to Christianity as an adult, having been raised in California by agnostic parents. She married a Christian man in the 1980s in Oklahoma where she had gone to study as a young woman. Gradually she began to accept Christian teachings, especially healing prayer. When her church began to change, and the emphasis was no longer on healing or even the form of prayer she had been taught, she adjusted. She found new ways to continue her spiritual path, new fields to study - ever careful not to become involved in anything like a cult. She did this without ever giving up her Christian faith. For this reason, her book is of great importance to the world.

There are a lot of sincere, good-hearted people who because of this book will finally be open to deeper levels of spiritual understanding and acceptance of that healing  energy which is also called the Holy Spirit  Many of them are people who would not otherwise have been reached due to the fear-based nature of beliefs taught to them from early childhood. Dana Taylor creates the language necessary for many people to see the connection of energy medicine to our Creator Source. Some of these are people who doubtless would not otherwise have seen that connection. Her work is clearly a mission of service to the world. and in the case of this book, also as a World Teacher.

Miracles of healing came to Dana on her quest, an illness which had plagued her since she was a little girl was finally healed through a combination of healing prayer, energy medicine, a past life memory and forgiveness. She has gone on to facilitate miraculous healing for others through the use of healing prayer, energy medicine and other techniques. She still sees clients.

This is a book not to be missed. I highly recommend anyone interested in energy medicine, healing or miracles read this powerfully moving and illuminating book.

TISBA: The Indie Spiritual Book Awards
Energy Medicine Category Judge

Amazon Link to this book                                           Book Trailer

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"The Afterlife of Billy Fingers" by Annie Kagan

The lovely Annie Kagan lost her older brother, a life-long alcoholic and drug addict, to a horrific automobile/pedestrial accident. In the depths of her despairing grief he came back to her, talking to her and asking her to write a book with him about his experience of the afterlife. She hesitatingly began writing down what he was saying, and over time, her brother sent her enough confirmation in the real world of what he was saying, that she realized it was happening for real. It was not her imagination!

This is a well-written chronicle of one spirit's experience of the afterlife, and what is more, it shows for the first time, so far as I know, what happens to us when we have lived our last lifetime on earth! And I always deeply, sincerely wondered what that was going to be like. 

The Afterlife of Billy Fingers is chock full of wisdom. It is also deeply comforting for those who have recently lost a loved one; it is confirmation that we are not our bodies, and that we continue beyond the grave or crematorium.

It goes without saying that this book is a "must-read" for the grieving.

"The North Road" by June O'Brien

The North Road by June O'Brien

The North Road is a thoughtful, powerfully well-written and detailed account of the mystical, dangerous experiences of three Native America sisters on a mission to protect the world from darkness. This book allows the reader the rare opportunity to experience what it is like to view the world through the eyes of a mystic and shamanic visionary. Ms. O’Brien is a also gifted poet, and her prose benefits profoundly from this level of control over language. Her words are infused with great beauty.

Called by Spirit, the three sisters, Grace, Agnes and Ruby, come together to travel from sanctuary to sanctuary in order to hide powerful, ancient medicine from a group of beings from the dark side, the Lillin. This group has unexpectedly discovered the existence of this long-hidden power, and they have great resources to bring to bear to capture and possess it.

This riveting adventure is from the start compelling, fast becoming an impossible-to-put-down nail-biter as the reader eagerly awaits the outcome of the sisters' mission.  Ms. O'Brien skillfully weaves an intricate, personal relationship between the sisters and the various beings, human and otherwise, encountered along the way.

The descriptions of the food were mouthwatering, and yet the way the scenery encountered in the journey was rendered was so much more. The way this author verbally paints a landscape was surprising, breathtaking and touching. Reading this book, I developed a far clearer understanding of how deeply it is possible to be connected to the Earth and all of her creatures.

I highly recommend this exciting, nuanced tale of hidden magic and power! It is fascinating reading. I could not put it down, and I never wanted it to end. 

The Indie Spiritual Book Awards

Fiction Category Judge

Amazon Link to "The North Road"                                      Book Trailer

"When Worlds Collide, Another Look at the Lunar Nodes" by Kathy Allan

When Worlds Collide: Another Look at the Lunar Nodes by Kathy Allan
Kathy Allan is an astrologer who is certified at the professional level by the American Federation of Astrologers. Her revised delineation of the lunar nodes develops and refines astrological techniques to improve natal interpretation and predictive accuracy.  Allan states, “I envision the nodes as passageways, between the manifest and the unmanifest, the physical world and the otherworld, the mortal and the immortal, the mundane and the miraculous. They mark the points of intersection where the ‘North’ and ‘South’ worlds collide—and real magic happens.” Beautifully said!

In the first 50 pages, the author reviews Jyotish and Western views of the nodes. There is a fascinating history of the nodes’ uses and mythology. She addresses the many misconceptions of the nodes by astrologers in the past and she traces the ideas of modern authors, such as Carl Jansky, Celeste Teal, Judith Hill, and many others. 
After she generously shares her own personal techniques of interpreting a chart, she spends over 300 pages where she examines the natal charts of public figures, as well as significant life events with a focus on pre-natal solar eclipses and the nodal points which serve as superb predictive timers. Carl Jung, Julian Assange, Evangeline Adams, Albert Einstein, Princess Diana, Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and others, have chapters with well-told life stories. Some of the entities and events analyzed are the Federal Reserve, the Stock Market Crashes, the Indonesian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the Gulf Oil Spill.
This important book is a must have for any serious astrologer’s library.

The Indie Spiritual Book Awards
"Divination" Category Judge
Amazon Link to When Worlds Collide                           Book Trailer

"Awakening to Me" by Kerri Hummingbird Lawnsby

Awakening to Me, Kerri Hummingbird Lawnsby
The internal world of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder is powerfully and beautifully expressed in this book.  This honest, sensitive author takes us on a tour of her internal emotional world: the depths of despair, the emptiness, and her frantic efforts to find love.  Ms. Lawnsby takes us with her on the journey toward internal independence and core stability – what works and what doesn’t.
From her personal work she provides suggestions, exercises and quotes.  This book will be of profound use to anyone with this diagnosis, their family members, therapists and allies.  It is also recommended it for those diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or who have symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. 

But, in truth, we can all benefit from reading this book.  Awakening to Me is an invitation to self-honesty, persistence in seeking meaningful help, and the long work of sustained effort. 
This book is well written and well organized but it is the author’s honesty and insight that makes it powerful.  Her emotions and thoughts, the related beliefs are clearly described.  These are in turn related to events in Ms. Lawnsby’s history, into present relationships and dynamics in a manner that doesn’t lose the reader in her internal world.  Instead, we understand ourselves better, our friends and family members.  We understand better what it means to be human. 

The Indie Spiritual Book Awards
"Memoirs" Category Judge

Indie Book Awards Contests

In case you do not know, there is a book awards contest just for indie published books that are spiritually themed: this means metaphysical, new age, and so on. "Spiritual not Religious." It is called TISBA: The Indie Spiritual Book Awards. It is for non-fiction and fiction books as well.

Here are the categories:

  • Non-Fiction

  1. Inter-dimensional Beings including  Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides, Aliens, UFOs, and Beings who exist between worlds. Books on Crop Formations also go here.
  2. Consciousness Studies/ Nature of Reality/Dreaming/Altered States of Consciousness
  3. Divination:  Astrology,  Dowsing, Numerology, Palmistry, Runes, Tarot, and other forms of divination.
  4. Educational Books & “How to” Books: Meditation, Prayer, Manifestation Tools, Ascension, Psychic Awakening, Spiritual Evolution, etc.
  5. Energy Medicine: Reiki, Matrix, Theta, EDINA, Touch for Health, Polarity, etc
  6. Green Living & Sustainability: New Cultural Trends, Herbology, Hand-Built Homes, Gardening, Innovations in Agriculture, Water Collection, Composting, Recycling, and so on
  7. Memoirs, Autobiographies and Personal Tales of Spiritual Awakening
  8. Reincarnation: Past Lives, Akashic Records, the Ongoing Journey of the Soul
  9. Shamanism, Teacher Plants, Wicca, Druidism or Other Earth-Based Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritually-Themed Fiction:
  • Novels, Poetry, Short Stories
  • Including Visionary Fiction
The reason for this book awards program is both to give recognition to "cultural-creative" authors, the people who are changing the world for the better through their writings, and for the benefit of readers who are looking for paradigm-changing material to read. We call this type of writing "spiritual writing." We are here to lend a hand, and make the world a better place.