This is an absorbing book which is essentially a transcription of many hours of conversation which the author, Sharon Butz, had with the former Civil War Surgeon, Dr. James Martin Peebles. Dr. Peebles was an historical figure, who not only was a naturopath and surgeon, but US Ambassador to Turkey in his later years. He died and ascended at the age of 99.9 years of age.
He has been channeled by various persons over the years, and in the case of the visits Sharon Butz had with him, through the mystic and trance channel, Summer Bacon of Sedona, Arizona.
Sharon asks Dr. Peebles questions about a wide range of topics from his interest in channeling while alive and part of the spiritualist movement, to astrology. Of astrology Dr. Peebles says that it is a road map, but does not determine all outcomes. Like a map you can follow the road, or you can get off the road and go somewhere offroad. Yet a few things in each lifetime are cast in stone, and harder to change. He also says that if you want to know what your deceased loved one is doing, you can look at the chart as though the death date were a birth date to see what he is up to in the afterlife!
Dr. Peebles warns us not to check our discrimination at the door of the psychic's office, since some are amazing, honest people, and yet others definitely are not. He also reminds us that even what the honest psychic sees can be changed if we do not like the outcome he or she has seen. We can do this by taking appropriate actions to change that outcome.
How does Dr. Peebles read individuals? He goes into their hearts and learns who they truly are. He also answers questions we are thinking before we ask them, according to the author. In this book he answers questions about a wealth of subjects, including Guides, karma, twin flames, Akashic Records and whether or not people can come back as animals. There is a wealth of information in this book as seen from the viewpoint of a 16th dimensional being who is not in a body any longer. Some of it will challenge a reader's beliefs, some of it will confirm what she /he already knew.
In any case, it is a wild, fun ride!
TISBA Channeling, Psychics, Mediums Category Judge
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